3D Collision detection (C++)

Different algorithms for 3D collision detection.

Half Space Test (point on plane)

Half Space Test
A simple test to find out the position of a point respective to a plane.
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Point in AABB

Point in AABB
Finding out whether a point is inside or outside an Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB).
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A quick test to find out if two Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes are colliding.
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Point in Sphere

Point in Sphere
Finding out whether a point is inside or outside a sphere.
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Sphere to Sphere

Sphere to Sphere
A test to find out if two spheres are colliding with each other.
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Sphere to Plane

Sphere to Plane
A test to find out if a sphere is colliding with a plane.
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Ray to Sphere

Ray to Sphere
A test to find out if a ray collides with a sphere. There are two versions of this algorithm, a version that calculates the time of collision and a version that doesn’t.

Moving Sphere to Static Sphere

Moving Sphere to Static Sphere
A test to figure out if and when a moving sphere collides with a static sphere.
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Moving Sphere to Containing Sphere’s Edge

Moving Sphere to Containing Sphere's Edge
A test to figure out if and when a contained moving sphere collides with the edge of a containing sphere.
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