Revenge of Monkey

Note: this is an old page. To visit the most recent version of the “Revenge of Monkey” page, click here

Revenge of Monkey is a 2D, horizontal shmup. The basic premise is that the colours from the world have been stolen, so the player must destroy the monsters that stole these colours in order to return them to the world.
The player can choose from 3 different space ships (each one with its own speed and amount of lives) in order to navigate through famous paintings that have lost their colour. For each enemy that he destroys, the painting will regain some colour. At the end of the level, the player will face a boss. The boss will be weaker if the player managed to destroy at least 90% of the enemies in the level (effectively returning all the colour to the painting). The game contains 3 different levels, each one with a new type of enemy, and 4 bosses in total.
After beating the boss, the player will unlock a new weapon type.
This game was done in about two weeks as a solo project. It was voted as one of the top three games in the Structures of Game Development class at Full Sail.
This game contains the following:
Sprites, animations and bitmap font hand made by Miguel Casillas
Music and sound effects by Miguel Casillas
High score table done in tinyxml
Options saved and loaded in tinyxml


The first level (The persistence of memory by Dali)
The persistence of memory

The second level (Skrik by Munch)

The third level (De sterrennacht by Van Gogh)
De sterrennacht

The final boss (Guernica by Picasso)
