3D Pac-man

Note: this is an old page. To visit the most recent version of the “3D Pac-man” page, click here

This was a solo project done as an AI research. It used the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (glut).
This project emulates the AI from the famous game Pac-man.
The first part of the project was to do research on how the pac-man AI works, then, get the level, the ghosts and the pacman rendering on the screen, do collisions and a very basic AI (the ghosts just tried to follow pac-man, not taking any obstacles into account).
The second part of the project was done after finishing the AI class, now, it was just about implementing an A* pathfinding algorithm, which allowed the ghosts to chase pac-man in the most effective way, going around the obstacles. Multi-threading for the AI was also implemented in order to speed it up.


The dots show the paths that each ghost will take after performing the A* algorithm. The torus is the ghost’s final target based on the classic pac-man AI.

Coming soon